Wanna hit the restart button of your life? Start with this:

Start with a new look.
New hair is new YOU.

It's okay if you are still hurting inside.
and your wounds are still raw.
It's okay if you made a mistake and it was too late to undo.

It's okay.
It's fine.
You are allowed to make a fresh start.

Forgive yourselves and make a new start.

It's like resetting a game on your phone
when you feel stuck.
Nobody needs to know your story or
your learnings from your past.

Make a new start.
Start with feeling new.
Start with a new hair style.

Cut your hair short, or color it wild. Get fringes or simply go bald.
But Start.
Make a new start.

There are tons of article online, that will tell you how a 
new hair style can make you feel new. 
It can make you feel more confident.
Make you feel like a new person
Make you feel younger
It can make you feel happier

But darling what you need right now is a new start.
Start small.
Start with a new hair style.
and you will not regret it.

Picture source: Pexel.com


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